We help people with disabilities to improve their quality of life through the power of gaming. At the core of how we do this are our assessments and disability gaming sessions. This menu links you to each service where you can proceed to arrange an appointment or book gaming session tickets.
Three great examples of how our work has transformed the lives of disabled people through the power of gaming. But there are many other examples too, click below to read more incredible stories of how we utilize assistive technology for gaming.
Toby and Harry’s story is a perfect example of why we do what we do. Toby started attending our child gaming sessions at the end of 2018, along with his younger brother, Harry, after Toby’s mother had learnt of our sessions from his Occupational Therapist.
TAKING CONTROL OF HER OWN DESTINY. How the fun and games started. Amy is a 14-year-old girl whose family contacted Everyone Can after finding out that we find ways to enable people with complex disabilities to play video games.
Video games can be a huge part of some people’s life; whether it’s for fun, pursuing gaming professionally or a chance to socialise online with friends. I am sure anyone would agree to have your favourite hobby taken away from you would impact your life massively. Meet Qasim, a 26-year-old who loves to game!
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